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People that have purpose and intimacy in their lives report the highest level of sustained happiness. I’m dedicated to helping you have both. My first graduate school professor told me, “Your job is to gently help your clients make the unknown known. Then step out of the way as they choose their lives.” I believe that wholeheartedly. In my clinical experience, I’ve observed that once a sense of freedom is attained, the right choices flow naturally. Freedom and healing come by releasing outdated beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you.

Individual therapy is a process in which I work one-on-one with you, in a safe, caring, and confidential environment. We will explore your past and current feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, as well as identify aspects of your life that have left you stuck in pain, or repeating limiting patterns that cause you to suffer. You may be stuck in a pattern of choosing the wrong partners, or experiencing blocks in intimacy. Blocks in intimacy may stem from early life challenges, parents or past trauma. The way I work allows us to discover the story held in your body and nervous system that may be outside your conscious awareness. This provides a powerful tool that other forms of therapy may not be able to access. The body never forgets and will gently guide us down the path to your healing.

For example, a 3 year old girl may have witnessed her parents fighting at dinner over the course of a year. As an adult she gets extremely anxious during family dinners but doesn’t understand why it happens. The three year old brain doesn’t record the fighting or dinners in conscious memory because explicit memory is not online yet, and the reason for the anxiety in the adult is unknown to her. Using the body’s wisdom and therapy techniques called Somatic Experiencing™, and DARe (Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning experience), we are able to trace the path of suffering through the body back to its source and provide healing. The release of the old trauma provides more freedom and choices in the Now.


• Suffering from anxiety due to loss of a relationship or life transition,
• Caught in a pattern of choosing the wrong partners,
• Grieving and seeking answers to why relationships fail or don’t thrive,
• Currently having or recently ended an affair,
• Seeking a life path consistent with their inner self and truth
• Angry or resentful due to a pervasive history of unmet needs
• Shut down out of fear and avoid conflict in relationship, thus missing out on opportunities for intimacy.


Couple Therapy